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About the Author
After she drinks her morning coffee, Tara Shuman loves to learn from everything and everyone around her (including books, clouds, plants, dogs, children, documentaries, yoga, music, art, food, and blank pages, to name a few**). If you've ever crossed her path, expect that she's learned something from you.
Tara tries to be a compassionate human being and her heart hurts when she kills a fly (but she does it).
The world can be a rough place for people like Tara.
Tara tried to be an attorney but it never felt right and after seven years, she didn't quit. But she did move on. Teaching always felt right, mostly because she loves the chance to learn with others, and teenagers are generally more fun and more honest than adults. Plus, when they act badly, she still has hope for them.
Tara has been writing since she was little. She mimicked countless "Little Miss" and "Little Mr." books and launched her writing career from there. Tara's English teacher in high school likely thought she needed therapy (doesn't everyone!?).
When Tara studied abroad in South Africa during college, she discovered a buried piece of her soul. She's been waiting to shape that piece (and write a book about it) ever since.
Over 10 years ago, Tara learned that she had breast cancer. By some miracle, she found the tumor relatively early and survived surgery and treatment while still enjoying her toddlers. It crushes her that not every cancer patient is as lucky as she has been. Tara wants to obliterate cancer, and she tries to raise money for brilliant doctors and researchers to do just that.
It turns out cancer changes a person, or at the very least, it changed Tara. Most of all, cancer brought Tara to her keyboard and there she reactivated the creative muscles that had atrophied in the legal world.
Tara has a husband (total jackpot), two kids (mini-jackpots), and a dog named Hope (cutest jackpot). Tara believes deeply in the power of truth, justice, and empathy. She proudly flies the rainbow flag and regularly prays for peace and the protection of our planet.
Tara teaches writing and is currently working on her first novel (see one-line premise below). Stay tuned for more.

"Tara’s writing is honest, inspiring and full of love and hope."
Leann R.
"Tara is the epitome of hope; palpable in her genuine, relatable, poignant words. Her story is her life. Her life is love. Her love is strength."
Jessica A.
"Tara is an Inspirational author, honest to the core in her writing."
Tara Y.